Mercurieva Anna A.

Mercurieva Anna A.


PhD, Associate professor

email: anna at

    1. The theory of complex polymer systems (polymer brushes, liquid crystal polymers)
    2. Computer simulation of polymer systems


    Main publications:

    1. Microphase Coexistence in Polymeric Brushes Т.М.Бирштейн, В.М.Амосков, А.А.Меркурьева. Л.И. Клушин, А.А. Полоцкий, П.А. Яковлев Macromol. Symp 2003, 191, 51-58
    2. SCF theory of a polymer brush immersed into a multi-component solvent Т.М.Бирштейн, В.М.Амосков, А.А.Меркурьева. Macromol. Theory Simul. 2006, 15, 46-69
    3. Theory of liquid-crystalline ordering in polymer brushes Т.М.БирштейнВ.М.Амосков А.А. Меркурьева Macromol. Symp. 2007, 252, 90-100
    4. Modeling of Charged Amphiphilic Copolymer Stars near Hydrophobic Surfaces А.А. Меркурьева, Т.М. Бирштейн, F.A.M. Leermakers Langmuir 2009, 25 (19), 11516-11527
    5. Collapse of Polyhelectrolyte Star. Theory and Modelling О.В. Рудь, Т.М. Бирштейн, А.А. Меркурьева, F.A.M. Leermakers Macromolecules, 2012, 45, 2145-2160

  • Lectures:

    1. Theory of polyelectrolyte, the master’s program “Nanobiophysics”, 5 year (1 year of study)
    2. Theoretical methods for studying polymers, master’s program “Molecular biophysics”, 5 year (1 year of study)

    Scientific supervision:

    Master thesis (since 2011 year):

    1. “Computer simulation of the natural polysaccharide of arabinogalactan in dilute aqueous solution.” Sergeev DY (2012)

  • ResearcherID: J-7975-2013
    ScopusID: 35516816300
    ORCID: 0000-0003-2666-6073
    SPIN-код: 8312-1522