Nanostructured surfaces and 3D scaffolds towards cellular responses against cancer (2.03.2018) Dr. Judit Guasch Camell

Nanostructured surfaces and 3D scaffolds towards cellular responses against cancer (2.03.2018) Dr. Judit Guasch Camell

Лекция «Nanostructured surfaces and 3D scaffolds towards cellular responses against cancer» Dr. Judit Guasch Camell руководителя подразделения Max Planck Partner (Dynamic Biomimetics for Cancer Immunotherapy) TecnioSpring Fellow — Marie Curie Cofund Molecular Nanoscience and Organic Materials (Nanomol Department) Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) / CIBER-BBN Til·lers)) состоится 2 марта 2018 года в Голубом зале НИИ Физики в 12.00.

ABSTRACT: The worldwide incidence of cancer is expected to reach numbers close to 25 million cases over the next two decades according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Encouragingly, the remission of otherwise terminal leukemia patients with genetically modified autologous T cells using adoptive T cell therapies has been recently reported. These therapies demand more efficient cell culture systems to achieve large amounts of autologous T cells. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogels decorated with quasi-hexagonal arrays of Au nanoparticles were prepared, which were cross-linked with small fibronectin-derived peptide ligands. We studied the influence of cell-adhesive backgrounds on the activation of primary human CD4+ T cells when using arrays of antiCD3 immobilized on AuNPs. These AuNPs were prepared with controlled interparticle distances ranging from 20 to 150 nm. Early activation markers, cytokine secretion, proliferation, and differentiation were analyzed demonstrating the influence of both interparticle distances and integrin-mediated adhesion. In summary, we will discuss the preparation and functionalization of nanostructured hydrogels for activating primary human T cells to improve the state-of-the-art lymphocyte expansion technologies.

После окончания лекции в 13.00 (также в Голубом зале НИИ Физики) состоится научный семинар / рабочая встреча кафедры молекулярной биофизики и физики полимеров по теме «Разработка биоактивных полимерных соединений и стратегии их применения в биомедицинской технологии зондирования»