Kovshik Aleksandr P.
D.Sc., Professor
Physics of liquid crystals, optical, dielectric and magnetic properties.
Funding (current): «Synthesis, phase transformations, electro and magneto-optical properties of liquid crystal lanthanide complexes with high luminescence quantum yield.»
Main publications:
L. A. Dobrun, A. S. Sakhatskii, A. P. Kovshik, E. I. Ryumtsev,A. A. Knyazev, and Yu. G. Galyametdinov «Dielectric Properties of an Ytterbium Based Nematic Liquid Crystal Complex», JETP Letters, v.99, №3, p.133-135, 2014.
- A.A. Bogdanov, S.P. Denisov, A.P. Kovshik, A.A.Karetnikov, V.P. Romanov, D. Brukkel «The effect of the cell phone radiation on a freely suspended liquid-crystal film», Наносистемы: Физика, Химия, Математика, v.5, №6, p.782-788, 2014.
E.V. Aksenova, B.B. Divinskii, A.P. Kovshik, A.A.Karetnikov, N.A.Karetnikov, E.V. Kryukov, V.P. Romanov «Peculiarities of light propagation in chiral liquid crystal cells in an external electric field», Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, v.118, №2, p.323-332, 2014.
E.S. Krainyukov, A.P. Kovshik, S.A. Kovshik, A.A.Knyazev, Yu.G. Galyametdinov, E.I. Ryumtsev «Optical Anisotropy of Liquid Crystal Lanthanide Complexes», Optics and Spectroscopy, v.110, №1, p.56-61, 2014.
N. Yevlampieva, D.R. Tur, A. Kovshik, E. Rjumtsev «Electro-optical properties, polarity and chain rigidity of poly(dialoxyphosphazene)s with variable side-chain length», Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, v.22,№5, p. 1157-1167, 2012.
S.E. Emelin, V.L. Bychkov, , A.M. Astafiev, A.L. Pirozersk, A.P. Kovshik «Plasma Combustion Nature of Artificial Ball Lightning», IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, v.40,№12, p. 3162-3165, 2012.
A.A. Karetnikov, N.A. Karetnikov, A.P. Kovshik, E.I. Rjumtsev, E.V. Aksenova, E.V. Kryukov, V.P. Romanov «Local Dynamics of Director Reorientation under Electric Field in Helical LC Structure», Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, v.561,№1, p. 97-107, 2012.
- “Fundamentals of physics of liquid crystals” 4 year students
- “Liquid crystals in the information display devices” 1st year master students
Scientific supervision:
PhD thesis:
Karetnikov Nikita A. “Effect of electric field on the refraction of light in a liquid crystal with an inhomogeneous distribution of the director,” 2010.
Master thesis (from 2011 year):
- Manzyuk Anastasia O. “Dielectric properties of composite systems”, 2012
- I.I.Smirnov “Dielectric properties metalo-mezogenic complexes based on rare earth metals”, 2012
At present research is carried out:
PhD students:
- Kraynyuk Eugenii S. “The refraction of light in the liquid crystal helical structures with different boundary conditions.”
- Sakhatsky Alexander “Dielectric spectroscopy of liquid crystal complexes.”
- Kalinkin Alexei Alexandrovich “The optical and dielectric anisotropy mesogens lanthanides.”
ResearcherID: J-8583-2013 ScopusID: 6701333555 ORCID: 0000-0003-1326-2184 SPIN-код: 2370-6507