Sergei G. Polushin

Sergei G. Polushin

PhD, Associate professor

email:s.polushin at

  • Effects of short-range molecular order in isotropic melts of comb polymers, liquid crystal and nonmesogenic substances. The main objectives are, in particular, transitions research isotropic phase – isotropic phase and analysis of the mechanisms of molecular orientation relaxation in an electric field.

    Funding (current):
    grant SPbSU

    Main publications:

    1. Polushin S.G.; Rogozhin V.B. and Ryumtsev E.I. Kerr effect in the isotropic melt of smectic polymer // Doklady Physical Chemistry, 2015, V. 465, Part 2, P. 298–300.
    2. Polushin S.G.; Rogozhin V.B.; Ryumtsev E.I., and Galyametdinov Yu.G. Electrooptical properties of mesogenic rare_earth complexes in isotropic melts // Doklady Physical Chemistry, 2014, V. 455, Part 2, P. 64–66.
    3. Rogozhin V.B.; Lezov A.V.; Polushin S.G., and Ryumtsev E.I. Effect of the microphase separation on the electro-optical properties of isotropic melts of thermotropic liquid crystals // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2011, V. 85, No. 11, P. 1867–1871.
    4. Polushin S.G.; Rogozhin V.B.; Zakhryapa A.V., and Ryumtsev E.I. Electric birefringence in a polystyrene melt // Doklady Physical Chemistry, 2011, V. 438, Part 1, P. 83–85.
    5. Polushin S.G.; Filippov S.K.; Fiskevich T.S.; Barmatov E.B., and Ryumtsev E.I. Dynamics of the Kerr effect in the isotropic phase of comb-shaped nematic polymers. Polymer Science, Ser. C, 2010, V. 52, No.1, P. 24–34.
    6. Polushin S.; Rogozin V.; Beloborodov I.;  Rjumtsev Е.;  Kozlovsky М. Existence of two different isotropic phases as a reason for bistable phase behavior of an LC side-chain polymethacrylate // Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2008, V.29, Issue 3,  P.224-228.
    7. Polushin S.G.; Rogozhin V.B.; Ryumtsev E.I., and Lezov A.V. The Kerr effect in the vicinity of the transition from the isotropic to smectic-A phase. // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2006, V.80, Number 7,  P.1016–1020.
    8. Polushin S.G.; Rjumtsev E.I.; Nikitin A.; Ponomarev A.N.; Letenko D. Magnetooptic properties of carbon nano-particles in suspension. // Special Issue: «Recent Advances in Carbon Nanotubes, Nanoscale Materials and Devices» in International Journal of Nanoscience. Editor World Scientific, Singapore, 2002, V.1, Number 3-4, P.269-276.
    9. Polushin, S.G.; Melnikov A.B.; Polushina G.E.; Barmatov E.B.; Shibaev V.P.; Lezov A.V.; Rjumtsev E.I. // Electrooptic and hydrodynamic properties of ionogenic liquid-crystalline copolymers in solutions and melts // Polymer Science, series A, 2001, V.43, N5, P.511-518.
    10. Ryumtsev, E.I.; Polushin, S.G.; Tarasenko, K.N.; et al. // Equilibrium and dynamic electrooptical properties of nematic and isotropic phases of 4-n-alkoxy-4′-cyanobiphenyls. Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, 1995, V.69, Issue:5, P.940-943.
    11. Polushin, S.G.; Ryumtsev, E.I.; Electrogydrodinamic instabilities in nematic LC with large positive dielectric anisotropy. Liquid Crystals, 1993, V.13, P.623.
    12. Ryumtsev, E.I.; Polushin, S.G., Kerr-effect in isotropic phase of monotropic liquid crystals // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 1992, V.212, P.271.
    13. Tsvetkov, V.N.; Riumtsev, EI; Polushin, SG; et al., High-frequency dielectric polarization of liquid-crystals in the direction of their optical-axis // Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1980, V.254, Issue 3,  P. 619-623.
    14. Tsvetkov, V.N.; Ryumtsev, E.I.; Polushin, S.G. et al., Molecular mechanisms of dielectric polarization and its relaxation in nematic liquid-crystals // Acta Physica Polonica A, 1979, V. 56, Issue 6,   P.871-878.

  • Lectures:

    1. “Orientation effects in liquid crystals in external fields”. 2nd year undergraduate students, Functional materials physics.
    2. “Functional materials based on polymers and liquid crystals”. 1st year Masters, Functional materials physics.
    3. “Basics of Materials Physics. 1st year undergraduate students”, AMF.
    4. “Modern polymer and liquid crystal materials”. 4th year undergraduate students, Physics.
    5. “Fundamentals of Physics of polymers and liquid crystals “.  4 year undergraduate students, Physics.

    Scientific supervision:

    PhD thesis:

    1. Zahryapa AV “Electric birefringence in isotropic melts LCD and nonmesogenic substances” (thesis defence in 2015).

    Master thesis:

    1. Mastyugin AV “Kerr effect in polymer melts of smectic” (2012)
    2. Sakas AR “Temperature dependence of the Kerr constant in the isotropic phase, smectic comb polymers” (2012)
    3. Ivanov VD “Electric birefringence and its dynamics mesogenic comb polymer in an isotropic melt.” (2013)
    4. Shevlyagin AA “Liquid crystals are based on complexes of rare-earth elements: the electro-optical properties and molecular structure” (2016).

    Bachelor diplomas:

    1. Ivanov VD “Electro-optical properties of the smectic acrylic homopolymer” (2011)
    2. Pchelkina AV “Kerr effect phase transition in a heptyl ester (N-glyukoziliden) aminobenzoic acid” (2012)
    3. Shevlyagin AA “Kerr effect and short-range order in the melts mesogenic compounds’ (2014)

    At present research is carried out:

    1. Lezova IE “Investigation of short-range order effects in isotropic melts of low-molecular liquid crystal metallomezogenes and comb polymers” (graduate student 2 years).

  • ResearcherID: A-2587-2009
    ScopusID: 6602757741
    ORCID: 0000-0003-1206-2762
    SPIN-код: 8034-4720