Polyanichko Aleksandr M.

Polyanichko Aleksandr M.

PhD, Associate professor


  • (details)

    • Sstructure and function of Chromatin
    • Non-histone chromatin HMGB-proteins
    • Linker histones if the Н1 family
    • Complexes of DNA with proteins and small molecules
    • The structure and properties of the polyelectrolyte polymer-colloid complexes.

    Funding (current):

    RFBR “Architectural chromatin proteins as a tool for the assembly of supramolecular structures based on DNA,” 2015-2017

    Our research is supported by grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) and the Government of St. Petersburg.

    Main publications:

    1.  Chikhirzhina E., Starkova T., Kostyleva E., Polyanichko A. (2013) Spectroscopic study of the interaction of DNA with the linker histone H1 from starfish sperm reveals mechanisms of the formation of super condensed sperm chromatin, in: M.P. Marques, L.A.E. Batista de Carvalho, P.I. Haris (Eds.) Advances in Biomedical Spectroscopy: Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, IOS Press, 2013, pp. 177-183. (ISBN 978-1-61499-183-0; DOI 10.3233/978-1-61499-184-7-177).
    2. Polyanichko A., Chikhirzhina E. (2013) Supramolecular organization of the complexes of DNA with chromosomal proteins HMGB1 and H1, in: M.P. Marques, L.A.E. Batista de Carvalho, P.I. Haris (Eds.) Advances in Biomedical Spectroscopy: Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, IOS Press, 2013, pp. 185-190. (ISBN 978-1-61499-183-0; DOI 10.3233/978-1-61499-184-7-185).
    3. Polyanichko. A.M., Andrushchenko V.V., Bouř P., Wieser H. (2012) Vibrational circular dichroism studies of biological macromolecules and their complexes. In: “Circular Dichroism: Theory and Spectroscopy”, Edited by David S. Rodgers, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2011, pp. 67-126 (PDF).
    4. Tsankov D., Polyanichko A., Wieser H. (2011) Vibrational Circular Dichroism: Ensuring Quality of Pharmaceutical Products, In: “Handbook of Analysis and Pharmaceutical Quality. Pharmaceutical Sciences Encyclopedia: Drug Discovery, Development, and Manufacturing”, Edited by Shayne C. Gad, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1-41.
    5. Polyanichko A.M., Wieser H. (2007) Vibrational circular dichroism and its applications to Protein studies. In “Methods in Protein Structure and Stability Analysis: Vibrational Spectroscopy”, E. Permyakov and V. Uversky (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2007, pp 267-302.
    6. Chikhirzhina E.V., Chikhirzhina G.I., Polyanichko A.M. (2014) Chromatin structure: The role of “linker” proteins. Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging , 3(4), 345-358.
    7. Поляничко А.М., Романов Н.М., Старкова Т.Ю., Костылева Е.И., Чихиржина Е.В. (2014) Анализ вторичной структуры линкерного гистона H1 по спектрам инфракрасного поглощения, Цитология, 56(4), С. 316-322 (Polyanichko A.M., Romanov N.M., Starkova T.Y., Kostyleva E.I., Chikhirzhina E.V. (2014) Analysis of the secondary structure of linker histone H1 based on IR absorption spectra. Cell and Tissue Biology, 8(4), 352-358).
    8. Chikhirzhina E.V., Starkova T.Ju., Polyanichko A.M. (2014) Interaction between chromosomal protein HMGB1 and DNA studied by DNA-melting analysis. Journal of spectroscopy, vol. 2014, Article ID 387138.
    9. Поляничко А.М., Воробьёв В.И., Чихиржина Е.В., (2013) Структура комплексов ДНК с хромосомным белком HMGB1 и гистоном Н1 в присутствии ионов марганца. II. Спектроскопия кругового дихроизма в ИК области. Мол. биол., 47(2), 338-46
    10. Polyanichko A., Chikhirzhina E. (2013) Interaction between DNA and chromosomal proteins HMGB1 and H1 studied by IR/VCD spectroscopy. J. Mol. Struct., 1044, 167-172
    11. Polyanichko A., Chikhirzhina E. (2012) Interaction between Nonhistone Protein HMGB1 and Linker Histone H1 Facilitates the Formation of Structurally Ordered DNA-Protein Complexes. Spectroscopy: An International Journal, 27(5-6), P. 393-8
    12. Chikhirzhina E., Starkova T., Kostyleva E., Polyanichko A. (2012) Spectroscopic Study of the Interaction of DNA with the Linker Histone H1 from Starfish Sperm Reveals Mechanisms of the Formation of Super Condensed Sperm Chromatin. Spectroscopy: An International Journal, 27(5-6), P. 433-40.
    13. Polyanichko A.M., Rodionova T.J., Vorob’ev V.I., Chikhirzhina E.V. (2011) Conformational Properties of Nuclear protein HMGB1 and Specificity of Its Interaction with DNA. Cell and Tissue Biology. (Поляничко А.М., Родионова Т.Ю., Воробьёв, В.И., Чихиржина Е.В. (2011) Конформационные особенности ядерного белка HMGB1 и специфика его взаимодействия с ДНК. Цитология, 53(2), 55-60).
    14. Chikhirzhina E.V., Starkova T.Yu., Kostyleva E.I., Chikhirzhina G. I., Vorobyev V.I., Polyanichko A.M. (2011) Interaction of DNA with Sperm-Specific Histones of the H1 Family. Cell and Tissue Biology, 5(6), 536-42. (Чихиржина Е.В., Старкова Т.Ю., Костылева Е.И., Чихиржина Г.И., Воробьев В.И., Поляничко А.М. (2011) Взаимодействие ДНК со спермий-специфическими гистонами семейства Н1, Цитология, 53(10), С. 826-31).
    15. Чихиржина Е.В., Поляничко А.М., Костылева Е.И., Воробьёв В.И. (2011) Структура комплексов ДНК с хромосомным белком HMGB1 и гистоном Н1 в присутствии ионов марганца. I. Спектроскопия кругового дихроизма. Мол. биол., 45(2), 356-65.
    16. Polyanichko A. and Wieser H. (2010) Structural organization of DNA–protein complexes of chromatin studied by vibrational and electronic circular dichroism. Spectroscopy: An International Journal, 24(3-4), p. 239-44.
    17. Chikhirzhina E., Polyanichko A., Leonenko Z., Wieser H., Vorob’ev V. (2010) C-terminal domain of nonhistone protein HMGB1 as a modulator of HMGB1–DNA structural interactions. Spectroscopy: An International Journal, 24(3-4), p. 361-6.
    18. Rodionova T.Y., Chikhirzhina E.V., Vorob’yov V.I., Polyanichko A.M. (2010) Changes in the secondary structure of HMGB1 protein bonded to DNA, Journal of Structural Chemistry, 50, 976-81 (Родионова Т.Ю., Чихиржина Е.В., Воробьев В.И., Поляничко А.М. (2009) Изменение вторичной структуры белка HMGB1 при связывании с ДНК. Журнал Структурной Химии, Т. 50, № 5, С. 1014-20).
    19. Поляничко А.М., Леоненко З.В., Крамб Д., Визер Г., Воробьев В.И., Чихиржина Е.В. (2008) Структурная организация комплексов ДНК с белками HMGB1 и HMGB1-(A+B). Биофизика, 53(3), С. 407-16.
    20. Polyanichko A.M., Chirkhirzhina E.V., Andrushchenko V.V., Vorob’ev V.I., Wieser H. (2006). The effect of manganese(II) on the structure of DNA/HMGB1/H1 complexes: electronic and vibrational circular dichroism studies. Biopolymers, 83(2), 182-92.
    21. Polyanichko A, Wieser H. (2005) The FTIR/VCD spectroscopy as an informative tool for the investigation of large supramolecular complexes of biological macromolecules. Biopolymers, 78(6), 329-39.
    22. Поляничко А.М., Чихиржина Е.В., Андрущенко В.В., Wieser H., Воробьёв В.И. (2005) Спектральные исследования структуры комплексов ДНК с ионами Mn2+ в УФ и ИК диапазонах. Биофизика, 50(5), 810-7.
    23. Polyanichko A.M., Andrushchenko V.V., Chikhirzhina E.V., Vorob’ev V.I., Wieser H. (2004) The effect of manganese(II) on DNA structure: electronic and vibrational circular dichroism studies. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Feb 10; 32(3):989-96.
    24. Поляничко А.М., Чихиржина Е.В., Костылева Е.И., Воробьев В.И. (2004) Структура комплексов ДНК с негистоновым хромосомным белком HMGB1 в присутствии ионов марганца. // Мол. Биол., 38(6), c. 1041-9.
    25. Поляничко А.М., Чихиржина Е.В., Андрущенко В.В., Костылева Е.И., Wieser H., Воробьев В.И. (2004) Влияние ионов Са2+ на компактизацию ДНК в комплексе с негистоновым хромосомным белком HMGB1. Молекулярная Биология, 38(4), с. 701-12.
    26. Polyanichko A.M., Chikhirzhina E.V., Skvortsov A.N., Kostyleva E.I., Colson P., Houssier C., Vorob’ev V.I. (2002) “The HMG1 Ta(i)le”, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2002 Jun; 19(6):1053-62.
    27. Чихиржина Е.В., Поляничко А.М., Скворцов А.Н., Костылева Е.И., Уссье К., Воробьёв В.И. (2002) “HMG1-домены: заложники обстоятельств”, Молекулярная Биология, 36(3), с. 525-31.
    28. Поляничко А.М., Давыденко С.Г., Чихиржина Е.В., Воробьёв В.И. (2000) “Взаимодействие суперспиральной ДНК с негистоновым белком HMG1”, Цитология, 42(8), 787-93.

  • Lectures:

    1. “Basics of biochemistry”, 3 year (AFM)
    2. “Introduction to molecular Biology”, 4 year (AFM)
    3. “The structure and function of biopolymers,” 4th year (Physics)
    4. “Molecular spectroscopy”, 5 year (master’s program in the profile of  “Nanobiophysics”)
    5. “The structure and properties of biological macromolecules”, 5 year (master’s program in the profile of “Neutrons and synchrotron physics”)
    6. “Additional chapters of molecular spectroscopy”, 6 course (master’s program in profile of “Molecular biophysics”)

    Scientific supervision:

    Bachelors diplomas:

    1. “IR-spectroscopy of aqueous solutions of DNA in the presence of metal ions” (Tymchenko EE – 2016)
    2. “The formation of supramolecular protein complexes in the presence of metal ions” (Andreev MV – 2016)
    3. “IR-spectroscopy of  DNA complexes with metal ions” (Whistlers AE – 2016)
    4. “IR-spectroscopy of protein complexes with metal ions” (Baranov YG – 2015)
    5. “The study of the interaction of linker histone H1 and non-histone chromosomal protein HMGB1» (Sozonova AA – 2014)
    6. “The interaction of DNA with nuclear chromatin proteins” (Savvateev AY – 2014)
    7. “Analysis of the secondary structure of proteins by IR absorption spectra” (Romanov NM – 2013)
    8. “The Association of H1 and chromatin protein HMGB1 in aqueous salt solutions” (Mikhailov, NV – 2013)
    9. “Interaction of DDP(II) with biological molecules” (White IA – 2013)
    10. “An analysis of post-translational modifications of chromatin proteins HMGB1 H1 and by MALDI mass spectrometry” (Sitnikov AV – 2013)

    Master thesis:

    1. “An analysis of post-translational modifications of chromatin linker proteins by mass spectrometry” (Babich AV – 2015)
    2. “Interaction of DDP (II) c DNA and proteins” (White IA – 2015)
    3. “Mechanisms of intermolecular protein complexes on the example of BSA proteins, H1 and HMGB1» (Mikhailov, NV – 2015)
    4. “Determination of the secondary structure of proteins in the spectra of an aqueous solution of IR absorption” (Romanov NM – 2015)
    5. “Spectroscopic studies of the kinetics of the interaction of platinum coordination compounds with DNA” (Ogarkov MA – 2012)
    6. “Investigation of the interaction of the cis- and trans-dihlorodiamminplatinum (II) with biological molecules” (Feofilova MS – 2012)
    7. “Interaction HMGB-domains with DNA on an example of non-histone proteins of chromatin HMGB1» (Rodionova (Starkova) TY – 2011)
    8. “The study of the interaction of histone H1 with non-histone proteins HMGB1» (Kipenko IB – 2011)

  • A dissertation councils membership:

    • D 212.232.33

  • ResearcherID: G-8225-2011
    ScopusID: 6602405202
    ORCID: 0000-0001-7695-3586
    SPIN-код: 2417-5760