Sokolov Petr A.
- Microscopy (AFM, EM, STM) of DNA and proteins.
- Supramolecular structures based on DNA and its ligands.
- Electro-physical properties of DNA coupled with silicon, gold and mica.
- Physical properties and mechanisms of the formation of amyloids (including prion proteins).
- Biosensors (at the moment I am the head of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation “Supersensitive ATP sensor based on DNA aptamers and metal nanoparticles.”, two undergraduates were involved in the work on this project: Popova M. A. & Shalygin V. E.) .
- Sokolov, P. A., Bondarev, S. A., Belousov, M. V., Zhouravleva, G. A. & Kasyanenko, N. A. Sup35NMp morphology evaluation on Au, Si, formvar and mica surfaces using AFM, SEM and TEM. J. Struct. Biol. 201, 5–14 (2018).
- Kasyanenko, N. et al. DNA binding with acetate bis(1,10-phenanthroline) silver(i) monohydrate in a solution and metallization of formed structures. Polymers (Basel). 9, 211 (2017).
- Sokolov, P. A., Belousov, M. V., Bondarev, S. A., Zhouravleva, G. A. & Kasyanenko, N. A. FibrilJ: ImageJ plugin for fibrils’ diameter and persistence length determination. Comput. Phys. Commun. 214, 199–206 (2017).
- Kasyanenko, N. et al. DNA Modified with Metal Nanoparticles: Preparation and Characterization of Ordered Metal-DNA Nanostructures in a Solution and on a Substrate. J. Nanomater. 2016, (2016).
- Sokolov, P. A., Demidov, V. N., Vedeneeva, L. N., Pakhomova, T. V. & A.Kasyanenko, N. Abstracts. Eur. Biophys. J. 44, 43–248 (2015).
- Sokolov, P., Demidov, V., Vedeneeva, L. & Kasyanenko, N. Adsorption of 1,10-Phenanthroline-2,9-dithiol on Gold and Silicon Surfaces. J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 24358–24363 (2015).
- Bazlov, N. V., Vyvenko, O. F., Sokolov, P. A., Kas’Yanenko, N. A. & Petrov, Y. V. Charge-controlled fixation of DNA molecules on silicon surface and electro-physical properties of Au-DNA-Si interface. Appl. Surf. Sci. 267, 224–228 (2013).
- Demidov, V. N. et al. Reaction with DNA and Pharmacologic Activity of 1,10-Phenanthroline and Electron-Rich 1,10-Phenanthrocyanine Complexes of d-Elements. ISSN Russ. J. Gen. Chem. Ross. Khimicheskii Zhurnal 82, 1070–3632 (2012).
- Puchkova, A. O., Sokolov, P. A. & Kasyanenko, N. A. Metallization of dna on the surface. J. Struct. Chem. 52, (2011).
- Puchkova, A. O., Sokolov, P., Petrov, Y. V. & Kasyanenko, N. A. Metallization of DNA on silicon surface. J. Nanoparticle Res. 13, 3633–3641 (2011).
- Пучкова, А. О., Соколов, П. А., Лопатько, К. Г. & Касьяненко, Н. А. Фиксация ДНК на поверхности кремния для создания матрицы при формировании нанопроволок. ТРУДЫ МФТИ 3, 43–48 (2011).
- Sokolov, P. A., Bazlov, N. V., Puchkova, A. O., Vyvenko, O. F. & Kasyanenko, N. A. DNA immobilization on n-type silicon surface and electrophysical properties of Au-DNA-(n-Si) structures. Prot. Met. Phys. Chem. Surfaces 47, 566–571 (2011).
- Демидов, В. Н. et al. Взаимодействие С Днк И Фармакологическая Активность 1,10-Фенантролиновых И Электрон-Избыточных 1,10-Фенантроцианиновых Комплексов D-Элементов. Рос. Хим. Ж. LIV, 135 (2010).
“Microscopy of nanostructures”, “Methods of direct observation of biological objects” and “Nanosystem research methods.”
ResearcherID: O-1128-2013 ScopusID: 54403795400 ORCID: 0000-0003-4819-3211 SPIN-код: 4546-9060