Ramazanov Ruslan R.


PhD, Senior teacher

email: r.ramazanov на spbu.ru

тел. (812)428-99-71

  • Theoretical investigation of spatial and electronic properties of biopolymer complexes with low molecular ligands [details]

    Main publications:

    1. R. R. Ramazanov, A. I. Kononov, A. M. Nesterenko, J. R. Shakirova, I. O. Koshevoy, E. V. Grachova, and S. P. Tunik. Luminescence Switching of a Gold–Copper Supramolecular Complex: A Physical Insight. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 25541−25547 (PDF)
    2. Ruslan R. Ramazanov, Tomash S. Sych, Zakhar V. Reveguk, Dmitriy A. Maksimov, Artem A. Vdovichev, Alexei I. Kononov. Ag–DNA Emitter: Metal Nanorod or Supramolecular Complex? Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2016, 7, pp 3560–3566 (PDF)
    3. A A Vdovichev, T S Sych, Z V Reveguk, A A Smirnova, D A Maksimov, R R Ramazanov and A I Kononov. Structure of fluorescent metal clusters on a DNA template. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2016, 741(1), pp 012069 (PDF)
    4. Vdovichev A.A., Ramazanov R.R., Kononov A.I. Structural model of gold and silver fluorescent clusters. Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 263-269 (PDF)
    5. Ruslan R. Ramazanov, Dmitriy A. Maksimov, and Alexei I. Kononov. Noncanonical Stacking Geometries of Nucleobases as a Preferred Target for Solar Radiation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137 (36), pp 11656–11665 (PDF)
    6. Kasyanenko N, Lysyakova L, Ramazanov R, Nesterenko A, Yaroshevich I, Titov E, Alexeev G, Lezov A, Unksov I. Conformational and phase transitions in DNA-photosensitive surfactant solutions: Experiment and modeling. Biopolymers. 2015, 103(2):109-22 (PDF)
    7. Ramazanov R.R., Kononov A.I., Heterogeneity of Threadlike Shape of DNA-Stabilized Silver Fluorescent Clusters, Biophysical Journal, 2014, 106(2), 806a.
    8. Volkov, I.L.; Ramazanov, R.R.; Ubyvovk, E.V.; Rolich, V.I.; Kononov, A.I.; Kasyanenko, N.A. Fluorescent silver nanoclusters in condenced DNA, ChemPhysChem , 2013, 14 (15), 3543–3550. (PDF)
    9. R.R.Ramazanov and A.I.Kononov. Excitation Spectra Argue for Threadlike Shape of DNA-Stabilized Silver Fluorescent Clusters, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013 , 117 (36), 18681–18687. (PDF)

  • Scientific supervision:

    Bachelors thesis: 

    • “The influence of the parameters of the equilibrium geometry of nucleotide monomers in the absorption spectra of nucleic acid fragments.”  Luneva Yu. (2016)
    • “Molecular dynamics of short DNA oligomers.” Chernogorsky V (2015)
    • “Excited states of noble metal clusters.” Vdovichev A (2014)

  • ResearcherID: J-9397-2013
    ScopusID: 56159827000
    ORCID: 0000-0002-3019-8762
    SPIN-код: 7236-9848