Ramazanov Ruslan R.
Theoretical investigation of spatial and electronic properties of biopolymer complexes with low molecular ligands [details]
Main publications:
- R. R. Ramazanov, A. I. Kononov, A. M. Nesterenko, J. R. Shakirova, I. O. Koshevoy, E. V. Grachova, and S. P. Tunik. Luminescence Switching of a Gold–Copper Supramolecular Complex: A Physical Insight. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120, 25541−25547 (PDF)
- Ruslan R. Ramazanov, Tomash S. Sych, Zakhar V. Reveguk, Dmitriy A. Maksimov, Artem A. Vdovichev, Alexei I. Kononov. Ag–DNA Emitter: Metal Nanorod or Supramolecular Complex? Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2016, 7, pp 3560–3566 (PDF)
- A A Vdovichev, T S Sych, Z V Reveguk, A A Smirnova, D A Maksimov, R R Ramazanov and A I Kononov. Structure of fluorescent metal clusters on a DNA template. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 2016, 741(1), pp 012069 (PDF)
- Vdovichev A.A., Ramazanov R.R., Kononov A.I. Structural model of gold and silver fluorescent clusters. Computer Research and Modeling, 2015, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 263-269 (PDF)
- Ruslan R. Ramazanov, Dmitriy A. Maksimov, and Alexei I. Kononov. Noncanonical Stacking Geometries of Nucleobases as a Preferred Target for Solar Radiation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137 (36), pp 11656–11665 (PDF)
- Kasyanenko N, Lysyakova L, Ramazanov R, Nesterenko A, Yaroshevich I, Titov E, Alexeev G, Lezov A, Unksov I. Conformational and phase transitions in DNA-photosensitive surfactant solutions: Experiment and modeling. Biopolymers. 2015, 103(2):109-22 (PDF)
- Ramazanov R.R., Kononov A.I., Heterogeneity of Threadlike Shape of DNA-Stabilized Silver Fluorescent Clusters, Biophysical Journal, 2014, 106(2), 806a.
- Volkov, I.L.; Ramazanov, R.R.; Ubyvovk, E.V.; Rolich, V.I.; Kononov, A.I.; Kasyanenko, N.A. Fluorescent silver nanoclusters in condenced DNA, ChemPhysChem , 2013, 14 (15), 3543–3550. (PDF)
- R.R.Ramazanov and A.I.Kononov. Excitation Spectra Argue for Threadlike Shape of DNA-Stabilized Silver Fluorescent Clusters, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013 , 117 (36), 18681–18687. (PDF)
Scientific supervision:
Bachelors thesis:
- “The influence of the parameters of the equilibrium geometry of nucleotide monomers in the absorption spectra of nucleic acid fragments.” Luneva Yu. (2016)
- “Molecular dynamics of short DNA oligomers.” Chernogorsky V (2015)
- “Excited states of noble metal clusters.” Vdovichev A (2014)
ResearcherID: J-9397-2013 ScopusID: 56159827000 ORCID: 0000-0002-3019-8762 SPIN-код: 7236-9848